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A Mario style game made with AI

Move with the arrow keys and jump with the spacebar. Progress towards the goal!

PC - Smartphone


I generated a side-scrolling game similar to Super Mario with relatively few prompts.

The screen is quite simple.

However, it’s easier to create than expected because obstacles are generated just by writing "create an obstacle," for example.


Created using Claude sonnet. The prompt was as follows:
Generate a mario sytle html game
- html,js,css in 1 file
- show it on 512x512 canvas, max-width:100%
- Represent the ground at the bottom in brown, and have the character move on top of it.
- a reset button at the bottom.
- Use large emojis to represent the player, enemies, and obstacles.

##init map
- Start from the left edge.
- In the next screen, enemies appear.
- In the following screen, there is a spring for a high jump.
- The next screen features a swinging pendulum obstacle.
- In the next screen, three fireballs drop at a time.
- The following screen has enemies again.
- The final screen features the goal with a flag.

- The character moves while the arrow keys are pressed.
- Press the spacebar to jump.
- Prevent window scrolling when using the arrow keys or spacebar.

- The course is horizontally long and scrolls as you progress, but you can't move back to the left.
- Collecting stars increases your score.
- Enemies appear periodically; if an enemy catches up to you, it's game over.
- Reach the goal at the right end to clear the game.

What if there is an error?

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