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Slide Puzzle made with AI

Click above, below, left, or right of the white piece to move it.

PC - Smartphone


This is a typical puzzle game where you slide pieces into empty slots.


Created using Claude sonnet. The prompt was as follows:
Make a slide puzzle html game.
- html,js,css in 1 file
- 512x512 canvas

- wlen:number of horizontal divisions, initially set to 3.
- heln:number of vertical divisions, initially set to 3.
- imgpath:array of image file paths, "../ai/dat/0.png","../ai/dat/1.png","../ai/dat/2.png","../ai/dat/3.png",

- Load one random image from the imgpath.
- Divide the image using the horizontal length wlen and vertical length hlen, then shuffle the segments.
- Display only the segment at (X0, Y0) as blank.
- Show reset button.

- The player can click on a piece adjacent to the blank space to move that piece into the blank position.
- Movement Restriction: Only pieces adjacent to the blank space can be moved. Pieces can only be moved if they are adjacent either vertically or horizontally.
- Game Cler: The game is cleared when all pieces are arranged in the correct order,
- With reset, reselect the image and redo the division and shuffle.

What if there is an error?

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