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A Zelda style game made with AI

Use the arrow keys to move. Push the box to open the door and escape.

PC - Smartphone


This is a system recreated with AI, where moving a box onto a switch opens a door, similar to the classic "The Legend of Zelda."


Created using Claude sonnet. The prompt was as follows:
Generate a Zelda sytle adventure html game
- html,js,css in 1 file
- show it on 512x512 canvas, max-width:100%

- The interior is a 10x10 grid.
- It is represented with emojis.
- The grid is surrounded by brown walls.
- The exit is blocked by a door.
- There is a box and a switch-like floor.
- Pushing the box onto the switch will make the door disappear and open the exit.
- There is a reset button below.

##Control Events
- The player moves while holding down the arrow keys.
- Prevent the window from scrolling when using arrow keys or the space bar.

##Loop Processing
- Enemies move randomly at a speed of one step per second, and touching them results in a game over.
- Reaching the goal results in a game clear.

What if there is an error?

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