Simple Encryption Generator(Grok)
I will create a simple cipher where A is 1, B is 2, and so on.
Create a Encryption Generator source code. #title - Simple Encryption Generator #Coding - HTML code with a JavaScript #Screen - Size: 300x300 - Overall pastel-themed and cute design - Simple and easy to use #UI - textarea - encode button:make encryption(a->01,b->02..) - decode button:01->a,02->b,,,
I want you to create source code for a tool called "Simple Encryption Generator." Below are the detailed specifications: ## Project Overview - **Purpose**: A tool that allows users to encrypt text using a simple method (e.g., a→01, b→02, ..., z→26) and decrypt it back to the original text. ## Technical Specifications - **Languages**: Use HTML (for structure) and JavaScript (for functionality). Use CSS for styling. ## Screen Specifications - **Size**: Window size fixed at 300x300 pixels (specified via CSS). - **Design**:Pastel-colored, cute theme, intuitive layout #Screen - Size: 300x300 - Overall pastel-themed and cute design - Simple and easy to use ## UI Components 1. **Textarea**: - A `
` for user text input. - Size: Width 250px, height 100px (via CSS). - Placeholder: "Enter your text here". 2. **Encode Button**: - Label: "Encrypt" - Function: Converts input text as follows: - a→01, b→02, c→03, ..., z→26 (support for lowercase only is fine). - Displays the result in the textarea. 3. **Decode Button**: - Label: "Decrypt" - Function: Converts encrypted text (e.g., "01 02 03") back to original letters. - 01→a, 02→b, ..., 26→z. - Displays the result in the textarea. ## Functional Requirements - If the input is empty, show an alert: "Please enter some text." - Preserve spaces and symbols (they are not encrypted/decrypted).
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