var wid; var hei; var destwid; var desthei; var aspectRatio =1; const cvs = document.getElementById("cvs"); const ctx= cvs.getContext("2d"); const cvs2 = document.getElementById("cvs2"); const ctx2= cvs2.getContext("2d"); var cmd = "standinhole2"; const div = document.getElementById("cvsWrapper"); const video = document.querySelector("video"); const tracker = new clm.tracker(); const dllink = document.getElementById("idSnap"); const filename = "ar-filter-snapshot.png"; var efctList=[]; var efctNum=0; function streamStart(){ navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ video: true, audio: false, }).then(stream => { video.srcObject = stream;; let {width, height} = stream.getTracks()[0].getSettings(); videoSetup(width,height); }).catch(e => { alert("ERROR:" + e) }) } //------MAIN function videoSetup(w,h){ wid=w; hei=h; aspectRatio = w/h; //alert(aspectRatio); //---set efctnum efctInit(); //---resize video size and init tracker video.width=wid; video.height=hei; tracker.init(); tracker.start(video); //---resize canvas cvs.width=wid; cvs.height=hei; if(isfix){ destwid = wid; desthei = hei; }else{ //alert(window.innerWidth + "//" + aspectRatio + "//" + (window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight)); if ((window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight) < aspectRatio) { desthei = window.innerHeight; destwid = desthei * aspectRatio; } else { destwid = window.innerWidth; desthei = destwid / aspectRatio; } } cvs2.width = destwid; cvs2.height = desthei; //alert(destwid + "," + desthei + "," + window.innerWidth + "," + window.innerHeight);//454.735 488.817(980,1641 ) //---hide video(for safari) $("#cvs").hide(); $("#video").width(1); $("#video").height(1); //---adjust height $("#cvsWrapper").width(destwid); $("#cvsWrapper").height(desthei); //---adjust viewport for Android var canvasWidth = $('#myCanvas').width(); var deviceWidth = $(window).width(); var scale = deviceWidth / destwid; $('meta[name="viewport"]').attr('content', 'width=device-width, initial-scale=' + scale + ', user-scalable=no'); videoSetupEx(); loadShow(false); resizeWindow(); videoLoop(); } function videoLoop() { requestAnimationFrame(videoLoop); videoLoopEx(); } function resizeWindow(){ if(isfix){ destwid =wid; desthei = hei; }else{ destwid = Math.round(window.innerWidth*0.9); desthei = Math.round(window.innerHeight*0.9); } cvs2.width = destwid; cvs2.height = desthei; } //---switch effect function efctInit(){ for(let i = 0 ; i < efctList.length ; i++){ if(efctList[i] == cmd){ efctNum=i; break; } } } function efctNext(val){ let mynum = efctNum + val; if(mynum >= efctList.length)mynum=0; if(mynum < 0)mynum=efctList.length-1; if(mynum < 0)return; if(mynum == efctNum)return; efctNum=mynum; cmd=efctList[efctNum]; loadShow(true); videoSetupEx(); loadShow(false); } //---switch device async function devNext() { switchToNextCamera().catch(error => { console.error('Error switching to the next camera:', error); }); } async function switchToNextCamera() { const devices = await navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices(); const videoDevices = devices.filter(device => device.kind === 'videoinput'); if (videoDevices.length <= 1) { console.log("Only one video input device is found."); return; // 1つ以下のカメラしかない場合は、何もしない } const stream = video.srcObject; const currentVideoTrack = stream.getVideoTracks()[0]; const currentDeviceId = currentVideoTrack.getSettings().deviceId; const currentIndex = videoDevices.findIndex(device => device.deviceId === currentDeviceId); const nextIndex = (currentIndex + 1) % videoDevices.length; // 次のデバイスのインデックスを計算 const nextDeviceId = videoDevices[nextIndex].deviceId; const nextStream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ video: { deviceId: { exact: nextDeviceId } } }); currentVideoTrack.stop(); video.srcObject = nextStream;; } //------snapshot function capSave(){ document.getElementById("sndShutter").play(); if (cvs.msToBlob) { var blob = cvs.msToBlob(); window.navigator.msSaveBlob(blob, filename); } else { dllink.href = cvs.toDataURL("image/png"); = filename;; } } //------UTIL function videoStatus(s){ $("#dResult").html(s); } function loadShow(val){ if(val){ $("#iconLoad").show(); $("#iconCam").hide(); $("#iconL").hide(); $("#iconR").hide(); $("#iconDev").hide(); }else{ $("#iconLoad").hide(); $("#iconCam").show(); $("#iconL").show(); $("#iconR").show(); $("#iconDev").show(); } } function myrnd(v){ v = v + Math.floor(Math.random() * v); if(v>255)v=255; return v; } window.addEventListener("load", streamStart); window.addEventListener('resize', resizeWindow); efctList=['standlion','standincat','standinalien','standintrump','standinhole2','standwrestler','standafro','standpunk','standmummy','standpuppy','standjail','standpunk']; var image = new Image(); function videoSetupEx(){ image.src = '../video/dat/' + cmd + '.png'; image.onerror = () => alert('error:image not found'); videoStatus('loading pics'); } function videoLoopEx() { ctx.drawImage(video, 0, 0,wid,hei); ctx.drawImage(image, 0, 0,wid,hei); ctx2.drawImage(cvs,0,0, cvs2.width,cvs2.height); }